Student Services
- Learning Support
- English Language Learning (ELL)
- Health and Wellness
- Parent Resources
- Student Safeguarding
- Social and Emotional Counseling
Learning Support
The ACS Learning Support Team enhances the learning experiences of all students, specifically those who are diagnosed with learning challenges, provided they can attend regular classes and meet requirements with minimal support. We assist students in adopting more effective study habits, developing time management and organization skills, and in practicing self-advocacy. However, we cannot provide individualized educational plans (IEP) or modify the curriculum for individual students.
The ACS Learning Support Team
collaborates with teachers to develop appropriate accommodations for students (e.g. additional time, separate settings, and seating arrangement, etc.);
provides support in developing executive functioning skills and self-advocacy;
develops support plans that build on students’ strengths; and
coordinates with teachers, parents, and outside school professionals to facilitate appropriate intervention strategies.
To ensure optimal support for all our students, we employ a diverse range of assessment tools. This encompasses NWEA MAP, which provides valuable insights into individual strengths and weaknesses, and WIDA, which measures English language development. These tools equip our student support services team with essential data to identify students in need of assistance, target support efficiently, and monitor progress. Ultimately, this aids in the creation of a conducive learning environment for all students.
Utilizing this array of tools allows us to assess students' needs, customize support services, and ensure our ELL Team is equipped with the necessary information to empower all learners.
English Language Learning (ELL)
ACS has a diverse school population. Our goal is to support the academic and social development of all students. The English Language Learning (ELL) program enables students whose first language or whose prior language of instruction is not English to develop their language skills. The purpose of the ELL services is to assist students to become proficient in English and to be able to study at grade level. The ELL program is offered in grades 1-5. In grades 6-12, ELL is offered on an as-needed basis. The ELL team operates according to the following guidelines:
- For a student to be identified as an ELL student, an assessment of his/her English language proficiency is carried out. Initial assessments will be typically conducted upon a student’s first enrollment at ACS, but may also be conducted at any point if there is an indication that there might be a need for ELL services.
- Assessment of English language proficiency determines if the student’s use of English is below grade level expectations. Support is provided for the student to adjust to the school culture and achieve grade level expectations at ACS.
- Differentiated support is provided for each ELL student.
- Progress in the acquisition of English is regularly reported to parents.
- An ELL Specialist plans and delivers the ELL services. Services may include individual or small group instruction, pull-out or push-in services.
Health and Wellness
Promoting health and well-being is a vital component of ACS Student Services, which takes a holistic approach to students' physical, mental, and emotional well-being. School nurses collaborate closely with teachers, administrators, and parents to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students and employees.
Furthermore, they contribute value by encouraging health education, managing chronic diseases, conducting health screenings, responding to crises, supporting mental health, and monitoring nutrition services and physical education. ACS has three certified registered nurses on campus during regular school hours to assist with the community's needs. Two health centers are fully supplied with over-the-counter medications, rest places, medical supplies, physical examination tools, and first-aid supplies. Additionally, employees can benefit from a medical visit with the ACS Doctor, who is available on campus three times per week.
The ACS School Nurses
create a healthy school environment;
prevent and control the spread of illness;
manage the chronic health conditions of students and employees;
support students’ mental health through access to counseling services;
encourage required childhood immunization;
conduct health screenings;
respond to emergencies;
educate the school community on relevant medical news and updates;
maintain the provision of food services at school in a healthy nutritious plan; and
provide health education to students, parents, and staff members.
Parent Resources
ACS faculty and administration work in concert with parents to provide a robust social, academic and intellectual support system for all students and families. Beyond the school day, there is a well-developed ACS network of parents, educators and staff who work together to create a vibrant, fun and caring community for all our members.
To that end, all school administrators follow an open door policy for parents that includes the availability of one-on-one meetings as well as regular parent coffees and book clubs that provide information as well as community-building in a relaxed and warm setting. Our head of school and division principals send monthly newsletters to families which are frequently supplemented with direct communication from teachers and advisors. ACS invites parents to listen to and engage with a range of experts on a wide range of topics such as technology and internet safety, social media, peer pressure, and childhood development. And of course, twice-yearly parent teacher conferences, mid-term and end-of-term reports, and targeted communication, when needed, keep parents well informed of their children’s progress.
Student Safeguarding
ACS Beirut has adopted a Child Protection Policy to guide our staff and families in matters related to the health, safety and care of children in attendance at our school. The ACS Child Protection Policy is based on international law, Lebanese law and on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child of which Lebanon is a signatory. Of special applicability are the following two key articles:
Article 19 - Protection from Abuse and Neglect - The State shall protect the child from all forms of maltreatment by parents or others responsible for the care of the child and establish appropriate social programs for the prevention of abuse and the treatment of victims.
Article 34 - Sexual Exploitation - The State shall protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse, including prostitution and involvement in pornography.
In addition, we partner with a number of local institutions, such as Himaya and AUBMC, to support our programs and seek best practices in safeguarding our children.
All of us at ACS genuinely value our partnership with parents in providing for the safety and care of children. As part of our overall educational programs and specific to our shared responsibility to educate children, to protect them, and to learn and grow in a safe environment, we
provide age appropriate lessons for all grade levels to help students understand personal safety, needs and rights;
provide materials and information sessions to parents to help them better understand our programs and policy;
work together with parents to ensure that all children are safe and are knowledgeable about their rights and responsibilities to themselves and to each other so that they can grow and learn free of fear in a safe and supportive environment; and
annually train faculty to recognize and report issues of abuse and neglect.
Safe Schools - Vector Solutions Learning Management System
As part of ACS’s commitment to Child Safeguarding, yearly training that focuses on child safety and compliance is undertaken by all staff and faculty that work at ACS with Safe Schools - Vector Solutions LMS, a world-renowned program. Training is undertaken at the beginning of each school year and encompasses ACS’s Child Protection Policy that was developed in conjunction with Himaya. The program is comprehensive, covering types of abuse, prevention protocols, and reporting procedures.
Child Protection Policy
Code of Conduct
Resources & References
Social and Emotional Counseling
Counseling services are an integral part of ACS. Our counseling program places heavy emphasis on an integrative approach to social emotional learning (SEL) encompassing core competencies as laid out by the American School Counselor Association as well as the International School Counselor Association. The SEL Counseling Program utilizes a proactive, student-centered, global approach in working with students, parents, and teachers from PreK-12.
ACS Counselors:
utilize evidence-based prevention and interventions and assist students to develop executive functioning, interpersonal skills and self-awareness that enables students to thrive in any global environment;
build on character strengths and provide individual, group and family counseling to ensure academic and social success;
offer parent coffee workshops, student group workshops and are responsible for entry and exit transition programs; and
work closely with Learning Support Services as well as the College Counselor and are responsible for linking students and families with ongoing therapy and community support as needed.
7 Mindsets: An Interactive Approach to Student Character Building
A strong SEL program, when implemented correctly, improves mental health and well-being, increases resilience, and assists in decreasing negative behaviors such as relational aggression, bullying and truancy. SEL lessons increase connection between students and teachers which in turn increases student engagement resulting in positive academic outcomes. In any student’s journey through school, SEL gives room for reflection and introspection, which is foundational to growth in the long run.
In our commitment to well-being at ACS, proactive measures are put in place based on research trends and observations of behavior in different student age ranges. 7 Mindsets, which is a CASEL select program, gives us a complete framework for addressing issues that are relevant to students’ and the curriculum can be adapted to reflect the current needs of students. Lessons are planned ahead in a proactive manner based on in-depth knowledge of issues and challenges students may be facing at each developmental age.