News & Events

Fall Outdoors!
Posted 10/12/2018 01:02PM

Recently many students from the Elementary School and Early Years programs visited our Outdoor Education Center in Deir Al Qamar. Whether the students spent the day at the facility or for an overnight experience, there were learning activities for all.

The Outdoor Education Center is run by a team of 3, Mr. Andre Becharra, Outdoor Education Center Coordinator, Mr. Hamza Al-Harakeh Assistant Coordinator and Mr. Charbel Nasser Outdoor Education Teacher. The team sets up the age appropriate program and runs all of the activities. All students who visit are encouraged to listen to nature, are taught to meditate, participate in team building activities and to look for ways they can appreciate the outdoors.

In the younger grades, the programs generally last a few hours. Their activities tend to be simple i.e. getting the students to focus on the small details in nature like blades of grass, insects and how they are breathing. EY students explore the area looking for fossils.

Students in the upper grades can spend the night at the property camping under the stars or sleeping in the cabin. During their excursion, students learn how to pitch the tents, run obstacle courses, shoot bows and arrows, participate in team building activities and explore the area. For many of these ES students, it is the first time that they have slept under the stars and heard the sounds of nature at night. Building a campfire and telling stories is a well talked about experience by all of the students. Ms. Chelsea Barger and Mr. Rex Santos were recently there with G5 students and compiled this video of their time.

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