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Principal's Bio

Douglas Bourget
Middle School Principal

Mr. Bourget is an experienced middle school educator with 8 years as a middle school administrator and several years of teaching. Doug holds a degree in literature from Marlboro College in Vermont, a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of Southern California, and a postgraduate degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Southern Maine. He has taught students in grades 1-12 in the United States and internationally, which provides him an all-around understanding of how middle school life fits within a student’s development.

Doug believes that when classwork is relevant and interesting to students, the overall quality of the class improves. Students who find school meaningful inspire others and create a classroom culture where risk-taking is normal and new ideas are encouraged. With a positive school environment, students can learn from one another and enrich the community. He believes that critical thinking can empower students and develop their leadership capabilities. 

School community collaboration is important to Doug. He firmly believes that teachers, staff, parents, and students have shared interest in bringing success through middle school, high school, and beyond.

Doug sees middle school as a pivotal time in a student’s life. While it is important for middle schools to have their own identity, he recognizes the differences that students experience from beginning to end of their middle school career. Because students enter as elementary students and leave as high school students, Doug emphasizes educational experiences that nurture students academically, socially, and emotionally. He values experiences that encourage active learning both inside and outside the classroom.