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Theater is offered in all divisions of ACS, including in Early Childhood, our Elementary School Readers’ Theater and After School Explorers programming, and through electives in Middle and High School.

The school year is punctuated with a series of special events such as our annual high school and middle school productions, insightful workshops, and our vibrant Young Thespian Week – where we celebrate everything that is theatrical and performative. Through these diverse offerings, ACS students of all ages can explore this art form via a variety of perspectives and commitment levels.

Theater Productions

One of the highlights of the theater program is the middle and high school dramatic productions showcased each year during Young Thespian Week. Actors work collaboratively with art and production volunteers to design, construct, and operate sets, costumes, and lighting schemes. The result is a week of lively and memorable performances - on and off the stage. 

Young Thespian Week

Throughout the week, students, teachers, and parents have the opportunity to participate in workshops on improvisation, mime, clowning and circus arts with organizations such as Cirquenciel and Clown Me In; to enjoy captivating puppet show performances by the Lebanese Puppet Theatre; and to watch screenings by artists such as Seenaryo and Zeina Daccache. There's something for everyone to learn from and enjoy!

ISTA: International Schools Theatre Association

For more than 15 years, our collaboration with the International Schools Theatre Association has meant that our IB Diploma Program and American Diploma Theatre students have every tool necessary for success during their final years of high school. ACS students travel to London annually to participate in the London TaPS workshops. Over the course of a week, students participate in workshops with peers from all over the globe; experience theatre in the heart of the West End, and visit museums and exhibitions that demonstrate the interplay between lived experience, visual art, and performance.