IB DP Curriculum

The IB DP Curriculum model consists of six subject groups and a core programme. At the center of the program is the IB Learner Profile.

IB Diploma students are required to study six subjects chosen from the six subject groups concurrently for two years. A student has to take at least one subject from each group except for group six (arts and electives), which allows the option of taking another subject from groups 1 - 4.

The IB requires that all students choose at least 3 and no more than 4 subjects at Higher Level (HL), and the rest at Standard Level (SL). The difference between the Standard Level and Higher Level courses is in-depth and breadth. The HL courses compromise at least 240 teaching hours compared to 150 hours for the SL subjects. The choice of SL and HL courses is based on students’ interests, strengths, and future plans.

IB DP Curriculum Model

IB DP Courses Offered at ACS Beirut

Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature

IB English A: Language and Literature SL/HL

IB Arabic A: Literature SL* mandatory for the Lebanese students pursuing the IB Diploma using the LB-IB equivalency decree.

Group 2: Language Acquisition

Students are placed in appropriate language courses based on their proficiency.

IB French Ab Initio SL

IB French B SL/HL

IB Arabic Ab Initio SL

IB Arabic B SL/HL

*Students may take IB recognized online language courses with Pamoja (Spanish Ab initio SL, Spanish AB SL, and Mandarin Ab initio SL).

Group 3: Individuals and Societies

IB Economics SL/HL

IB Global Politics SL/HL

IB History SL/HL

IB Psychology SL/HL

Group 4: Sciences

IB Biology SL/HL

IB Chemistry SL/HL

IB Physics SL/HL

IB Sports, Health, and Exercise Science SL/HL

Group 5: Mathematics

IB Math Approaches and Analysis - SL/HL

IB Math Applications and Interpretation SL

Group 6: The Arts and other Electives

IB Theatre SL/HL

IB Visual Arts SL/HL

Another Subject from Groups 3 or 4

The Core Programme

In addition to the six academic subjects, the three elements of the Core Program — Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, and Creativity, Action, Service — are an integral part of the diploma programme.

  1. Theory of Knowledge is a course designed to encourage each student to reflect on the nature of knowledge by critically examining different ways of knowing (perception, emotion, language and reason) and different kinds of knowledge (scientific, artistic, mathematical and historical). (IBO, 2007)
  2. The Extended Essay is a requirement for students to engage in independent research through an in-depth study of a question relating to one of the subjects they are studying. (IBO, 2007)
  3. Creativity, Activity, Service requires that students actively learn from the experience of doing real tasks beyond the classroom. Students can combine all three components or do activities related to each one of them separately. (IBO, 2007)
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