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Playing with Imagination at ACS
Posted 14/11/2017 10:56AM


Most people think of time on the playground as a period where they can run, play ball games or use equipment that is there. ACS decided to use Imagination Playground and is encouraging the students to ‘create’ their own play things. To prepare them for this, instructor Stefanie Wainwright visited different classrooms and talked about the blocks. She showed the students a short video about the blocks and how kids were using them. What came next was interesting, the children were asked what they did and didn’t see. They saw kids having fun, working together, sharing blocks and using their imagination. What they did not see was fighting selfish actions or leaving someone out of the play activity.

Students from 1B, Ms. Helen Hamza’s class, were the first ones to be observed on this particular day. After creating structures, jousting poles, ball mazes and chairs, they were asked what they thought of the blocks. Athina Cambanis said “I liked it! It was fun and there was teamwork and we shared. We built a slide and made the ball go.” First Graders from Mr. Robb Wainwright’s class were the next students to use the blocks and Amir Wahab was so excited, at the end of the period he said “I want to build a roller coaster!” That is imagination!

For Elementary School Principal Ms. Diann Osterlund, she says “we are really pleased to offer the kids a different creative play experience on our playground. It will set the stage for better things to come as we get ready to redesign our playground.”

Playing with Imagination at ACS

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