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Middle School Play Enchants Audience
Posted 23/02/2017 01:56PM


Action, thrill and suspense filled the Upper School Auditorium on January 25th and 27th during the Middle School production of “Dirk Smirk: Secret Agent.” Dirk Smirk, based on the hit movie, is a comedy about a British secret agent and his assistant, the “Impossibly Beautiful Captain Tremaine.” Dirk’s character, played by grade 8 student Jad Marrouche, is a carefree schmoozer who loves the limelight. He and his career must be saved many times over by his “impossibly beautiful” assistant, Captain Tremaine, played by grade 8 student Mariam Daoud.

The play opens with Dirk and Captain Tremaine called in by the Head of the British Intelligence Department, grade 8 student Abigail Macomber, to warn of an evil plot that’s been schemed by S.T.I.N.K., a criminal organization intent upon world domination. S.T.I.N.K., or Super Terror Intimidation Network in Komand, is a Russian group that has come to London to take control of the brain of Madame Veronique de Vascalles, the Head of the World Council of Governments.

Teena Dernaika (grade 8) captures the stage as Madame Veronique de Vascalles. After her brain is taken control of by S.T.I.N.K., she orders her council to support pollution, child labor, and an uptick of global wars. Dirk and Termaine immediately sense something is not quite right with Madame Veronique, beyond her unfavorable policy positions. Physically, she appears almost robotic, with a fixed stare in her eye and a voice that sounds programmed. They know something is up and that S.T.I.N.K. must be behind it.

Meanwhile, S.T.I.N.K. agents, played by Amelia Makarem (grade 8), Joud Kazma (grade 6), and Karma Chamseddine (grade 6), conspire and the audience is led through their many plots of trickery and deceit. At last, Dirk and Tremaine uncover the evil S.T.I.N.K. agents’ identities, and they are arrested and taken to jail by Commander Malstrop, grade 8 student Ryan Rohan.

Special thanks to Director Laura Loran who practiced and rehearsed with the students from October to January. Many thanks to Ryan Rohan (grade 8) for serving as the Director’s Assistant; and to Lubna Jaward, Janna Livingston (grade 6) and Angelina Makarem (grade 6) for set and design decoration. Hani Shaib (grade 8) for the light design, Aya Abu-Alfa (grade 8) for sound design, and Tiffany Wickens (grade 7), Lilia Charif (grade 8) and Tala Khatib (grade 8) for makeup.

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